
Free Evidence-Based Prevention Trainings


APJN teaches social-emotional skills to prevent bullying, violence, and sexual assault.  We provide trainings on conflict management, peer mediation, bystander intervention, and self-regulation skills to schools, universities, and community groups.

APJN brought the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management’s comprehensive conflict management program to three Appalachian Ohio schools: Amesville Elementary, Chauncey Elementary, and West Elementary.  We worked with the Athens City School District to bring DENS (Developing, Educating, and Nurturing Students) youth leadership program to all of the Athens City elementary schools.  We started the first peer mediation program at West Elementary.  At Amesville Elementary, we worked with a school committee and started Whole School Monthly Meetings to highlight student achievement and build community.  We’ve taught a total of seventy-three bullying & violence prevention classes (23 lessons each) at fourteen local schools.

In 2013, APJN received a $300,000 state grant to fund four years of Sexual Assault Prevention Programming across SE Ohio.  APJN was then able to begin offering free trainings on Bystander Intervention, Gender Stereotypes 101, Healthy Masculinity, Healthy Relationships, Learning Good Consent, Media Literacy, Self-Defense, Sexual Assault Prevention, and Supporting Survivors.

In 2020, APJN’s Director was trained by the Trauma Resource Institute (traumaresourceinstitute.com) to teach the Community Resiliency Model (CRM).  CRM teaches six evidence-based wellness skills that help us self-regulate. So far we’ve worked with the following groups:

Athens City School Teachers
Athens County Public Library
Athens Area Mediation Service
First Presbyterian Church of Athens
First Presbyterian Church of Logan
Hocking College: Early Childhood Education Class
Hocking College: Whole School Plus Smaller Trainings
HAPCAP Perry County Parents
Live Healthy Appalachia Staff
Serenity Grove
Sojourners Resiliency Center
UCM (Led to Hocking College connection)

We’re looking for additional groups that are interested in an hour-long introduction, full of evidence-based resources. Please email or call for details!

For our full training and book herstory click here:

Training & Book Herstory

“I didn’t know violence wasn’t normal.” Chauncey Elementary



“The bullying stopped when we started this class.” Chauncey Elementary



“We do (anti-bullying) role-plays at recess.” Chauncey Elementary



“Anger management is really helping me. I was this close to pounding my brother’s face in. Instead, I used positive self-talk and walked away.”

Chauncey Elementary



“She makes us feel better.”

The HIVE, Nelsonville



“They loved it! They wanted some form of self-care program to end the class. You were great! I will definitely invite you back for a program.” Dr. Winsome Chunnu, Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Ohio University